
发布者: 互联网经贸学院总管理 更新日期: 2000-07-01 访问次数: 1705

陈鸿,女,1979年出生,经济学博士、教授。现为互联网经贸学院国际商务教研室教师,兼任《International Journal of Development and Conflict》编辑顾问委员会成员。



主要研究方向和兴趣:发展经济学,应用计量经济学,开放经济,区域经济。在《Economic Modelling》、《Toursim Economics》、《Studies in Economics and Finance》等刊物上发表论文14篇,其中SSCI收录2篇。参与各类项目3项;出版专著2部,专著章节3章;获得广东省政府政策采纳或批示1项。


1. 2016-2017,广东省经济监测预测,中山大学科研项目,15万,参与。

2. 2013-2014,Growth Volatility in Pacific Island Countries,国际发展网络(The Global Development Network),3.4万美元,参与。

3. 2013-2014,Potential Expansion of the APTA Membership to PICTA Members,联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(UNESCAP),1.26万美元,参与。


1. Hong Chen#,*, Xi Wang and Baljeet Singh, Can Private Domestic Investment Lead Chinese Technological Development, Economic Modelling, 2018, 70: 186-193.

2. Hong Chen and Baljeet Singh,Impacts of Disaggregate Energy Prices on Disaggregate Energy CO2 Emissions: Evidence from China,International Journal of Development and Conflict, 2018, 8(2), 126-143.

3. 陈鸿,王曦,王茜,广东省经济发展报告2017:经济监测预测与外资的作用,经济管理出版社,北京,2017。

4. Biman Chand Prasad and Hong Chen, The Pacific Islands Forum Countries,In Joong-Wan Cho and Rajan Sudesh Ratna (Eds.) The Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement: Promoting South-South Regional Integration and Sustainable Development(第3章), 联合国亚太经济与社会委员会 (UNESCAP), 曼谷,2016。

5. Yongzheng Yang, Hong Chen, Shiu Raj Singh, and Baljeet Singh, The Pacific Speed of Growth: How Fast Can It Be and What Determines it? In Hoe Ee Khor, Roger Kronenberg, and Patrizia Tumbarello (Eds.) Resilience and Growth in the Small States of the Pacific(第4章),国际货币基金组织, 华盛顿,2016。

6. Hong Chen, Lanieta Rauqeuqe, Shiu Raj Singh, Yiqun Wu, and Yongzheng Yang (2016),Pacific Island Countries: Trade Integration in a Changing Global Economy,In Hoe Ee Khor, Roger Kronenberg, and Patrizia Tumbarello (Eds.) Resilience and Growth in the Small States of the Pacific(第16章),国际货币基金组织, 华盛顿,2016。

7. Hong Chen and Baljeet Singh,Official Development Assistance, Public Investment and Economic Growth in Asia and the Pacific,International Journal of Development and Conflict, 2016, 6(2), 73-96.

8. T.K. Jayaraman, Hong Chen and Markand Bhatt,Research Note – Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment to Tourism Sector in Fiji: An Empirical Study, Tourism Economics,2014, 20(6), 1357-1362.