
Omaid Najmuddin
发布者: 互联网经贸学院 更新日期: 2020-09-25 访问次数: 1215

Omaid Najmuddin,男,互联网经贸学院国际商务教研室讲师,博士毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,专业为农业经济管理;硕士毕业于Akola 农业大学,专业为农业经济学和统计学;曾在泊尔山地综合发展国际中心工作了三年。主要从事自然资源管理和经济学,主要关注农业用地、水资源利用效率和食物安全等方向研究,已经发表多篇SCI/SSCI论文。


I. Najmuddin, O., Rasul, G., Hussain, A., Molden, D., Wahid, S., & Debnath, B. (2018). Low Water Productivity for Rice in Bihar, India—A Critical Analysis. Water, 10(8), 1082.  (SCIE)

II. Najmuddin, O., Deng, X., & Bhattacharya, R. (2018). The Dynamics of Land Use/Cover and the Statistical Assessment of Cropland Change Drivers in the Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan. Sustainability, 10(2), 423. (SSCI)

III. Najmuddin, O., Deng, X., & Siqi, J. (2017). Scenario analysis of land use change in Kabul River Basin–A river basin with rapid socio-economic changes in Afghanistan. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 101, 121-136. (SCIE)

IV. Naeem, S., Cao, C., Fatima, K., Najmuddin, O., & Acharya, B. K. (2018). Landscape greening policies-based land use/land cover simulation for Beijing and Islamabad—An implication of sustainable urban ecosystems. Sustainability, 10(4), 1049. (SSCI)

V. Rasul, G., Saboor, A., Tiwari P.C., Hussain, A., Ghosh, N., Ganesh, B. C…Nanjmuddin, O. (2018). Food and Nutrition Security in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: Unique Challenges and Niche Opportunities, Springer, Cham.

VI. Zhou, Q., Deng, X., Najmuddin, O., Zhang, Q., Zhao, C. (2018). Book Chapter: Management Innovation for Integrated River Basin Management, Springer.

VII. Wahid, S. M., Shrestha, A. B., Murthy, M. S. R., Matin, M., Zhang, J., & Najmuddin, O. (2014). Regional water security in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region: Role of geospatial science and tools. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 40(8), 1331.

Alnail Mohmmed, Xiangzheng Deng, Hongbo Su, Khalid, Aisha Olushola Arowoloa, Zhihui

VIII. Li, Yue Zhang, Najmuddin, O. (2019). Driving Factors of CO2 Emissions and Nexus with Economic Growth, Development and Human Health in theTop Ten Emitting Countries, Resources, Conservation and Recycling Journal, 148, 157-169. (SCIE)

