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- Copyright © School of Internet Economics and Business
王棣民,男,1994年生,博士,讲师。2022年5月毕业于美国德克萨斯理工大学(Texas Tech University)获博士学位(PhD in Hospitality, Tourism, and Retail Management)。 主要研究方向和兴趣:旅游业暨款待业营销,旅游目的地营销与品牌管理,酒店,旅游与零售行业消费者行为,旅游目的地和国家形象,东南亚旅游,零售服装行业环保议题。现为互联网经贸学院电子商务教研室教师。
美国饭店协会分析认证 Certification in Hotel Industry Analytics(CHIA)2018
主要成果 (Publications)
Wang, D., Lee, H.(2022). Examining Chinese Tourists’ Revisit Intention in Southeast Asian Countries. Tourism Review International, 26, 259-275. https://doi.org/10.3727/154427222X16438247292355 (Scopus & ESCI Index, Cite Score = 2.1)
Wang, D., Min, J., & Chang, H.(2022). Postdisaster recovery in the tourism business: A case of flooding in Chongqing, China. In SAGE Business Cases. SAGE Publications, Ltd., https://www.doi.org/10.4135/9781529781410
Wang, D. (2022). US Tourists’ Travel Behavioral Intention to Singapore: The Effects of Country Image and Destination Image with the Moderating Role of Familiarity (Doctoral dissertation Texas Tech University).